Monday, October 13, 2008

Garnet- My first Montana ghost town

Garnet is supposed to be the best preserved ghost town in Montana.  It sits at the top of the garnet range.  It was a gold mining town.  I don't know much else about it except that it burnt down once and was rebuilt before it was abandoned after they cleaned out all the gold.  Some people now live there and restored some of the buildings.  I usually like ghost towns that are left how they were at the time everyone left, but it was cool to see the history laid out and to know the story behind everything.

--The drive up the Garnet Range.  It was hazy so its hard to see, but it's a nice view
--Mossy tree

--Garnet in full effect

--Mining Cars and the old general store
--This is the Saloon.  It was built in 1898.  People became innibraited here.

--This is the newlywed cabin...apparently
--This is the corner of it.  Sorry for the underline.  I don't know how to stop it!  It makes me want to punch things
--(Punching things is the solution.)  An artifact of some type

--Various miners cabins
--grass and a crapper.  (Damn this underlining!  Punching isn;t working anymore)
--Whoops the cabin is dead.
--This is some sort of machine, which I can only assume performed some sort of function.
--The jail!

--These trees look like gigantic beargrass
--Listening to the beginning of the vice-presidential debate on the way back poisoned this beautiful view

1 comment:

Kris said...

all i can say is, how beautiful.